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Breeding Bird Assessment

Starting from the abundance index maps based on the breeding bird Atlas of Catalonia 1999-2002, the number of species present in the grid and the conservation status of each (with criteria established by the IUCN – International Union for Conservation of Nature – with specific regional corrections) are estimated. Indicators of assessment – species richness, index of conservation and maximum conservation value by grid – are also calculated.

Author: Institut Català d'Ornitologia (ICO)
Metadata (pdf)
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Presence of areas relevant to the conservation of biodiversity – Birds as bioindicators

Starting from the abundance index maps based on the breeding bird Atlas of Catalonia 1999–2002, the presence of bird species selected as bioindicators is used to identify areas of interest for the conservation of biodiversity, related to 10 different types of habitats.

Author: Institut Català d'Ornitologia (ICO)
Metadata (pdf)
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